data engineering training institute

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Data Engineering Training

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Course Content for Data Engineering training 

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Data Engineering with PySpark, Databricks, and GCP: Mastering the Data Pipeline

Course Tagline

“From Data to Insights: Build Your Career in Modern Data Engineering”

Key Selling Points

  1. Comprehensive curriculum covering in-demand skills
  2. Hands-on experience with industry-standard tools
  3. Learn from basics to advanced concepts in just 60 hours
  4. Practical, job-ready skills for the data-driven world

Target Audience

  • Aspiring data engineers
  • Software developers looking to transition to data engineering
  • Data analysts seeking to expand their technical skills
  • Any graduates in computer science or related fields

Course Highlights

  1. Master Python for data manipulation and analysis
  2. Dive deep into SQL for efficient data querying and management
  3. Understand big data concepts and the Hadoop ecosystem
  4. Harness the power of Apache Spark with PySpark
  5. Explore Databricks for collaborative data engineering

Get introduced to cloud computing with Google Cloud Platform

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Detailed Data Engineering Course Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Data Engineering (5 hours)

1.1 What is Data Engineering? (1 hour)

  • Definition and scope of data engineering
  • Differences between data engineers, data scientists, and data analysts
  • Key responsibilities of a data engineer
  • Evolution of data engineering

1.2 Data Engineering Lifecycle (2 hours)

  • Data generation and collection
  • Sources of data (APIs, databases, logs, etc.)
  • Data ingestion techniques
  • Data storage and warehousing
  • Types of data storage (relational, NoSQL, data lakes)
  • Data modeling concepts
  • Data processing and transformation
  • Batch vs. stream processing
  • ETL vs. ELT
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Role of data engineers in supporting analytics
  • Data quality and governance

1.3 Data Engineering Tools and Technologies Overview (2 hours)

  • Databases and data warehouses
  • Relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra)
  • Data warehouses (Snowflake, Amazon Redshift)
  • Big data technologies
  • Hadoop ecosystem
  • Apache Spark
  • Distributed file systems (HDFS)
  • Cloud platforms
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • ETL/ELT tools
  • Apache NiFi
  • Talend
  • Airflow

Module 2: Python for Data Engineering (10 hours)

2.1 Python Basics (3 hours)

  • Python installation and environment setup
  • Variables and data types
  • Numeric types (int, float)
  • Strings
  • Booleans
  • Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
  • Control structures
  • if-else statements
  • for and while loops
  • Functions
  • Defining and calling functions
  • Arguments and return values
  • Lambda functions
  • Modules and packages
  • Importing modules
  • Creating custom modules

2.2 Data Structures in Python (3 hours)

  • Lists
  • Creating and accessing lists
  • List methods (append, extend, insert, remove)
  • List comprehensions
  • Tuples
  • Immutability and use cases
  • Dictionaries
  • Creating and accessing dictionaries
  • Dictionary methods
  • Nested dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Set operations (union, intersection, difference)
  • Arrays
  • NumPy arrays basics

2.3 File Handling and I/O Operations (2 hours)

  • Opening and closing files
  • Reading from files (read, readline, readlines)
  • Writing to files
  • Working with CSV files
  • csv module
  • Reading and writing CSV
  • JSON handling
  • json module
  • Parsing and creating JSON

2.4 Python for Data Manipulation (2 hours)

  • Introduction to NumPy
  • NumPy array operations
  • Mathematical functions
  • Pandas basics
  • Series and DataFrames
  • Reading and writing data (CSV, Excel, SQL)
  • Basic data manipulation (filtering, sorting, grouping)

Module 3: SQL for Data Engineering (10 hours)

3.1 Relational Database Concepts (2 hours)

  • Database design principles
  • Normalization
  • Primary and foreign keys
  • Tables, rows, and columns
  • Relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
  • ACID properties
  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability
  • Indexing basics

3.2 Basic SQL (3 hours)

  • SELECT statements
  • Selecting specific columns
  • Aliasing
  • Filtering with WHERE
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT)
  • LIKE and IN operators
  • Sorting with ORDER BY
  • Ascending and descending order
  • Sorting by multiple columns
  • Aggregations with GROUP BY
  • Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN)
  • HAVING clause

3.3 Joins and Subqueries (3 hours)

  • Types of JOINs
  • Self-joins
  • Writing and using subqueries
  • Subqueries in WHERE clause
  • Subqueries in FROM clause
  • Correlated subqueries

3.4 Advanced SQL (2 hours)

  • Window functions
  • Partitioning and ordering
  • Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
  • Views
  • Creating and using views
  • Materialized views
  • Stored procedures
  • Creating and calling stored procedures
  • Transactions

Module 4: Introduction to Hadoop and Distributed Computing (5 hours)

4.1 Big Data Concepts (1 hour)

  • Characteristics of Big Data (5 V’s)
  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety
  • Veracity
  • Value
  • Challenges in handling Big Data
  • Use cases for Big Data

4.2 Hadoop Ecosystem Overview (2 hours)

  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • Architecture (NameNode, DataNode)
  • Read and write operations
  • MapReduce paradigm
  • Map phase
  • Shuffle and sort
  • Reduce phase
  • YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)
  • Resource Manager
  • Node Manager
  • Other Hadoop ecosystem components
  • Hive
  • HBase
  • Pig

4.3 Distributed Computing Principles (2 hours)

  • Parallel processing
  • Task parallelism vs. data parallelism
  • Data partitioning and distribution
  • Sharding strategies
  • Fault tolerance
  • Replication
  • Recovery mechanisms
  • High availability
  • Active-passive vs. active-active setups
  • CAP theorem

Module 5: Apache Spark and PySpark (15 hours)

5.1 Apache Spark Fundamentals (3 hours)

  • Spark architecture
  • Driver program
  • Cluster manager
  • Executor processes
  • Spark execution model
  • Jobs, stages, and tasks
  • DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
  • RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets)
  • Creating RDDs
  • Transformations and actions
  • Persistence and caching

5.2 PySpark Basics (4 hours)

  • Setting up PySpark
  • Installation
  • Configuring Spark with Python
  • SparkContext and SparkSession
  • Creating a SparkSession
  • Configuring Spark properties
  • RDD operations in PySpark
  • map, filter, reduce
  • flatMap, distinct, sample
  • union, intersection, subtract
  • Pair RDDs and key-value operations

5.3 Working with DataFrames and Datasets (4 hours)

  • Creating and manipulating DataFrames
  • From RDDs, files, and external sources
  • Schema definition and inference
  • StructType and StructField
  • Handling nested schemas
  • DataFrame transformations and actions
  • select, filter, groupBy
  • join, union, distinct
  • agg, pivot, melt
  • Datasets and strong typing in Scala (brief overview)

5.4 Advanced PySpark (4 hours)

  • Window functions
  • Ranking, running totals, moving averages
  • User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
  • Creating and registering UDFs
  • Vectorized UDFs for performance
  • Performance tuning and optimization
  • Caching and persistence strategies
  • Broadcast variables and accumulators
  • Partitioning and coalesce
  • Spark SQL and Catalog API

Module 6: Databricks using Spark (10 hours)

6.1 Introduction to Databricks (2 hours)

  • Databricks architecture
  • Control plane and data plane
  • Integration with cloud services
  • Databricks workspace
  • Notebooks, dashboards, and libraries
  • Collaborative features
  • Version control and sharing

6.2 Working with Databricks Clusters (2 hours)

  • Cluster creation and management
  • Cluster modes (Standard, High Concurrency, Single Node)
  • Autoscaling and spot instances
  • Configuring and optimizing clusters
  • Spark configurations
  • Driver and executor settings

6.3 Databricks Features for Spark (4 hours)

  • Delta Lake integration
  • ACID transactions on data lakes
  • Time travel and versioning
  • Schema enforcement and evolution
  • MLflow for machine learning lifecycle
  • Experiment tracking
  • Model registry
  • Model serving
  • Databricks SQL warehouses
  • Creating and managing SQL warehouses
  • Query editor and visualization

6.4 Databricks Workflows and Jobs (2 hours)

  • Creating and scheduling jobs
  • Task dependencies
  • Parameterization
  • Monitoring and managing workflows
  • Job clusters
  • Notifications and alerts
  • Delta Live Tables
  • Declarative ETL
  • Data quality checks

Module 7: Introduction to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) (5 hours)

7.1 GCP Basics (2 hours)

  • GCP account setup
  • Creating a project
  • Billing setup
  • GCP console navigation
  • Cloud Shell
  • Cloud SDK
  • Overview of key GCP services
  • Compute (Compute Engine, App Engine)
  • Storage (Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL)
  • Networking (VPC, Cloud DNS)

7.2 GCP for Data Engineering (3 hours)

  • BigQuery for data warehousing
  • Loading data into BigQuery
  • Writing and optimizing queries
  • BigQuery ML basics
  • Cloud Storage for object storage
  • Buckets and objects
  • Access control and lifecycle management
  • Cloud Dataproc for managed Spark and Hadoop
  • Creating and managing Dataproc clusters
  • Submitting Spark jobs
  • Introduction to Cloud Dataflow
  • Apache Beam programming model

Batch and streaming pipelines

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Who Should Attend?

Business Analysts looking to enhance their data analysis skills

Data Professionals aiming to leverage Power BI for advanced analytics

Managers and Executives who want to make data-driven decisions

Anyone interested in learning how to visualize and analyze data effectively

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Positions and hierarchy of Data Engineering :

Summary of Levels and Titles:

  1. Entry-Level: Data Engineering Intern, Junior Data Engineer
  2. Mid-Level: Data Engineer, ETL Developer, Cloud Data Engineer
  3. Senior-Level: Senior Data Engineer, Data Architect, Big Data Engineer
  4. Lead & Managerial: Lead Data Engineer, Data Engineering Manager, ETL Manager
  5. Director & Executive-Level: Director of Data Engineering, VP of Data Engineering, Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Each level not only involves more technical responsibility but also a shift toward leadership, strategic planning, and cross-functional collaboration. As data engineering continues to grow, so do the career opportunities within this field.

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Levels of certification available for power bi:

 Google Professional Data Engineer certification link

AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty

Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate

Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate



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Minimum and maximum salaries for Data engineering:

Data engineering continues to be a high-demand field, with significant salary growth opportunities as professionals gain more experience and technical skills.

1. Entry-Level Data Engineer Salaries

  • Average Salary: $70,000 – $100,000 per year
  • Junior Data Engineer: Typically, individuals with 0-2 years of experience start at this level.
  • Factors: Geographic location, company size, and the complexity of the tools being used (cloud platforms, big data solutions).
  • U.S. Cities:
    • San Francisco: $90,000 – $110,000
    • New York: $85,000 – $105,000
    • Austin: $75,000 – $95,000
    • Seattle: $85,000 – $100,000
  • International:
    • United Kingdom: £35,000 – £50,000
    • Germany: €50,000 – €65,000
    • India: ₹6,00,000 – ₹10,00,000
    • Australia: AU$75,000 – AU$95,000

2. Mid-Level Data Engineer Salaries

  • Average Salary: $100,000 – $140,000 per year
  • Data Engineer: With 2-5 years of experience, professionals in this bracket have honed their skills in data pipeline construction, cloud services, and automation.
  • U.S. Cities:
    • San Francisco: $120,000 – $150,000
    • New York: $110,000 – $140,000
    • Austin: $95,000 – $125,000
    • Seattle: $110,000 – $140,000
  • International:
    • United Kingdom: £50,000 – £70,000
    • Germany: €65,000 – €85,000
    • India: ₹10,00,000 – ₹20,00,000
    • Australia: AU$100,000 – AU$130,000

3. Senior Data Engineer Salaries

  • Average Salary: $140,000 – $180,000 per year
  • Senior Data Engineer: With 5+ years of experience, these professionals design complex, scalable data systems, optimize performance, and take on leadership roles.
  • U.S. Cities:
    • San Francisco: $160,000 – $190,000
    • New York: $140,000 – $180,000
    • Austin: $120,000 – $160,000
    • Seattle: $140,000 – $180,000
  • International:
    • United Kingdom: £70,000 – £90,000
    • Germany: €85,000 – €110,000
    • India: ₹20,00,000 – ₹35,00,000
    • Australia: AU$130,000 – AU$160,000

4. Lead Data Engineer / Manager Salaries

  • Average Salary: $160,000 – $200,000 per year
  • Lead Data Engineer / Data Engineering Manager: These professionals are responsible for leading data engineering teams, guiding technical strategies, and making key architectural decisions.
  • U.S. Cities:
    • San Francisco: $180,000 – $230,000
    • New York: $170,000 – $210,000
    • Austin: $140,000 – $180,000
    • Seattle: $170,000 – $210,000
  • International:
    • United Kingdom: £90,000 – £120,000
    • Germany: €110,000 – €140,000
    • India: ₹35,00,000 – ₹50,00,000
    • Australia: AU$150,000 – AU$180,000


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What’s Included

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Basic Python

Basic Java

Basics of SQL

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Recommended Courses

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Azure  Data Engineering

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AWS Data Engineering

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GCP Data Engineering
